Saturday 20 June 2009

Live from 'Beach' Break 3

If you're one of the many excellent beach breakers we met over the past few days: fear not.  We were a genuine (if amateur) outfit and the video diary featuring your drunken impressions of the festival will be posted here within a few days.  Keep checking back!

As well as vox popping some cool people, we managed to capture some great bands performing and grab a word with them afterwards, including The Vintones, The Moulettes and Ed Sherman. As soon as I can can get in the editing studio and remove all the bits of myself rambling (since when did I have a voice like Darth Vader with false teeth?) I'll post the vid here and on my new blogging home,

As for the festival, well myself and camera man had a great time, and not just sticking '' stickers in all the port-a-loos either.  Meeting Dan Le Sac and Scroobius Pip a few hours before their set was amazing (if brief) and the actual gig was one of the best I have seen in a long time.  Pip's lyrics and delivery were exhilarating, Dan's mixing top-notch and the tracks of the new album suggested the pair have a lot more to offer after 'Angles'.  

Overall, the best way I can think to describe Beach Break Live is as being a bit like a typical student in their second year (as Beach Break indeed is): disorganized, chaotic, a bit uncertain what exactly it's meant to be... but resourceful (switching sites in three days!), fun-loving and wonderfully open to new ideas.  

It may attract the odd sneer from seasoned-festival goers with their memories of Glastonbury, Glade, Secret Garden et al but as a student-friendly alternative that costs half the price, I reckon the founders of Beach Break are onto a winner.  Let's hope next year they make it back on the beach where they belong.  Just one more thing though guys, please leave the rugby balls back at home next time...


Your intrepid reporters, and John 'I think I'll get into this Kopenburg like' Teedge 


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